only the dead reading list
November 2023
November 2023 Reading List
This month’s reading list selections consist of books I used to research ONLY THE DEAD. This sixth novel in the James Reece Terminal List series was research intensive into the OSS, CIA, the Bretton Woods Agreement, Vietnam, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the Kennedy assassination, Able Archer 1983, and the Vietnam POW / MIA issue. Find out how all these events and institutions are linked in the pages of ONLY THE DEAD.
November 2023 Reading List Selections:
- The Pentagon Papers by Neil Sheehan, Hedrick Smith, E.W. Kenworthy and Fox Butterfield
- Reflections on Captivity by Porter Alexander Halyburton
- The Men We Left Behind by Mark Sauter and Jim Sanders
- An Enormous Crime by Former U.S. Rep. Bill Hendon and Elizabeth A. Stewart
- Why Didn’t You Get Me Out? by Frank Anton with Tommy Denton
- Soldiers of Misfortune by James D. Sanders, Mark A. Sauter, and R. Cort Kirkwood
- Vickers Guide SIG Sauer Volume 1
- The U.S. Naval Institute on Vietnam
- Muddy Jungle Rivers by Wendell Anfield
- Across The Fence by John Stryker Meyer
- Stalking the Vietcong by Stuart A. Herrington
- A Private Spy by Tim Cornwell
- By Sea, Air, and Land by Edward J. Marolda
- MAC V SOG by Jason M. Hardy
- In the Midst of Wars by Edward Geary Lansdale
- The Unquiet American by Cecil B. Curry
- Wild Bill Donovan by Douglas Waller
- Special Forces Berlin by James Stejskal
- War in the Shallows by John Darrell Sherwood
- Inside Delta Force by Eric L. Haney, Commander Sergeant Major USA (ret.)
- Combat at Close Quarters edited by Edward J. Marolda
- John le Carré, the Biography by Adam Sisman
- The Philby Files by Genrikh Borovik
- A Spy Among Friends by Ben Macintyre
- The Tears of Autumn by Charles McCarry
- The Brink by Mark Ambinder
- Normal Accidents by Charles Perrow
- The Bomb by Fred Kaplan
- The Able Archers by Brian J. Morra
- 1983 by Taylor Downing
- Survivors by Zalin Grant
- Papa Bravo Romeo by Wynn Goldsmith
- Brown Water, Black Berets by Thomas J. Cutler, LCDR, USN
- W.E. Fairbarn’s Complete Compendium of Lethal, Unarmed, Hand-to-Hand Combat Methods and Fighting
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